Custom firmware is needed for this to work


If your 3ds has Luma3DS 10.3 or higher use this

Using Luma3DS:

Press (Left Shoulder) + (D-Pad Down) + (Select) at the same time to open the Rosalina menu

If one of these buttons is broken, download config.ini

And put it in your luma folder, replacing the existing one. This will change the Rosalina menu key combination to (X) + (Y)

Select Miscellaneous options

Select Dump DSP firmware

Press (B) to continue

Press (B) to return to the Rosalina main menu

Press (B) to exit the Rosalina menu


If your 3ds has Luma3DS 10.2 or lower use this

Using DSP1:

Download DSP2.cia from this link:

Copy DSP2.cia to the cais map on your micro sd card of your 3ds.

Open the FBI homebrew app on your 3ds.

Press A

Go to your cias map and press A

Select DSP2.cia and press A

Press A

Press A

Press A

Press the home button on your 3ds.

Open DSP1 homebrew app.

Press B


You must have CFW on your 3ds!
